Need a little time

No self isolating for me

I did contemplate it today and told Himself I was staying in bed. But I got bored after 20 minutes and got up.

We had breakfast and then we headed to the allotment. We dug up all the parsnips; not that there were that many; but there were enough for dinner tonight.

After allotment we headed to the beach to get a dose of the sea and one of Stephen’s coffees. The kiosk at the beach has the best coffee ... better than other well known brands.

We met Lydia and Guppy from the allotment. We love them - they are from Thailand and grown gallons of Garlick ...

(That how she says it. I love that)

There was a stranger hanging about every-time himself distanced himself from me - he was there. Standing right in front of me grinning like a weirdo.

When I got him back (himself) we discretely moved away from him.

Then we came home and I hoed the garden and pottered a bit. And then did a lot of Doctor Who and Amy Pond and Rory.

Then we had dinner and I decided I should have self isolated; because now am Feeling awful... I lay and slept for forty minutes on the couch - well on himself. There’s nothing quite so comforting as dribbling over his thighs.

And now after giggling at Gogglebox Amma gonna head to bed

Night all

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