C is for County bridge stone/boundary stone
These stones which are mainly engraved with the letter C marked the length of road that the county council were responsible for maintaining either side of a bridge. This one is on Clifford street, the other is across Bridgelands bridge up towards the allotment. I could'nt actually find it this morning. :- ( I'd spotted one before on the outskirts of Chudleigh, & until yesterday had no idea what it marked. That was before my conversation with Alan, up on the plot. Now I shall be on the lookout for more.
Woke up to yet another rainy morning, so pleased I cut the grass yesterday. Gave the birds their breakfast, did yesterdays crossword, then headed off in search of Boundary stones on my way to fetch the newspaper. Very quiet everywhere. One of the cashiers in the Coop was was wearing disposable latex gloves. I guess if you need to work in a retail environment then you must do whatever to protect yourself. No loo roll, kitchen roll, or tissues on the shelves. All three and choice of each at the local Spar. I bought a pack of kitchen rolls yesterday, then Mum needed a box of tissues today when I grabbed a few bits for her from the shop. I popped down to CK with them and stopped for a chat & coffee. When I came back home and read the paper, there was a full page written message from the major UK supermarkets headed 'Working to feed the nation' ..... "We would ask everyone to be considerate in the way they shop ..... " Scary times .... It makes you wonder ... biological warfare .. seeing the damage, chaos, & collapse created worldwide so far by COVID-19. It does'nt bear thinking about.
On a more positive note there were lots of lovely lambs being born at Adam's farm, on the Countryfile programme. So cute bouncing around in the pen with mum not batting an eyelid even when used as a trampoline. Spring is definitely on the way, although there could be a frosty start to tomorrow. I plan to sow more broad beans in cells, the batch I sowed on the 20th January are looking lovely and strong and will need planting out soon, the potatoes are chitting, traditionally planted out on Good Friday, 10th April. Yiks! We'll need lots of sunshine between now & then to dry the ground out. I might look for alternatives. Last years crop was okay, not brilliant, the ground so hard due to a long period of dry weather I would have needed a jackhammer to lift them when they were ready. A growers lot is not always a happy one .. At least the mice have'nt eaten the fresh young shoots beginning to show on my new batch sweetpeas. Still time of course.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday. It's surprising how looking for suitable subject matter can improve ones local knowledge.
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