The Cooler King

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

You may remember I mentioned how baking hot our place gets in the afternoon. The sun hits our living room at around 2 and doesn't move until nearly 6pm.

During that time, our living area turns into an OVEN. 

So I was very relieved a week ago, when Caro got this bad boy installed. From the living room, it looks just like a regular A/C unit on the wall. It's only from outside where you can see how large and how powerful it is.

And it REALLY works. To the point where we can actually start feeling cold in our living room. Jasper loves it, and rolls around on the floor to cool his paws.

It was definitely on today. I spent the entire day in the living room, working on the podcast. I'm having fun with this one. Lots of sound effects and farting about with editing. I'm getting more and more confident and I hope the episodes are sounding better. Or at least more adventurous. 

Of course, this did not stop me from spending quite a large amount of time on the floor, rolling around with the boys. They are not the only ones who like cool paws.


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