In your face diabetes

I have lost 23.5lbs (2lbs more than I expected) to throw diabetes off my track. Foolishly I have been eating the wrong foods, probably made worse by increasing work stress and the need to feed my sorrows with cakes and sweet stuff. This resulted in a high sugar reading in September indicating that my risk of diabetes was high (this used to be known as pre diabetes).

My late dad has been inspirational (he'd have liked that). He had type 2 diabetes causing cardiovascular problems, and I decided I don't want to go down the same road.

My GP referred me to WW and off I went in November on the healthy life style trail. I met Anna, our coach and her mum Janet who is in charge of the WW shop. Over the weeks Anna has encouraged supported and reassured me. The group have been the best I've met yet (and I've bee to a few).  I won't mention individuals separately but the humour, advice, more fun and encouragement have been very welcome from all of you at Brampton evening class. My next target is to remain at a healthy weight in order to keep diabetes at bay, so more planning, counting and attending meetings for me. 

Yes I know it's a crazy photo, I'd been to work, had no make up on and my hair needed washing, I also wasn't expecting to be at my target this evening.

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