Doggy Warm....!!!

And this is how the conversation went.....

“Annie, I’m very cold and miserable...any chance you’d turn on the fire”..?

“Are you Melly..why is that....?

“Yes, all this bad news’s very upsetting even for dogs..I hope dogs don’t get sick...””

“I don’t think so ...but we’ll put on the fire and have sit down ok”

“Woofs Annie...thanks and I love the warm..”!

So this will s one pampered dog relaxing...!!

We were stunned today at how fast things are progressing here...but the strict measures put in place will hopefully slow things’s a very worrying time for everyone..
On a lighter note ...I went to do my regular Thursday shop this morning in our ‘big’ Tesco.......well, I have never seen the likes of the panic was pandemonium, unbelievable...I just left and did my shopping with no problem in one of our smaller supermarket chains...the panic hadn’t started there!!

Hope all the Blip friends stay take care..

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