Staircase slice


slice of step
saucer eyed

I refilled the bird feeders early and set up the large pan of water and plugged in the birdbath heating element. The bluejays discovered it already, drinking deeply. No outside shots today, it's too cold. A huge flock of starlings has taken over the feeders, they will eat anything and everything. A small Cooper's hawk is spoiling all the feeding as he looks for his breakfast.

For the Record
This day came in the coldest yet. It was 3 degrees F at 6:30 AM and the windchill for the day will hover around -15 F. Dry frigid air.

Raspberry is seeking every sunbeam after a short playtime on the stairs. She is really not in the mood for much more.

The sun dappled light gives her fur light patches that she doesn't really have.

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