1933. Two rings...
These are the two rings I designed myself (with a lot of help from the jeweller) and they have a similar design on them.
I love them both as they’re made from gold from other precious things I couldn’t wear anymore or that I wouldn’t wear. The larger ring was my late Mom’s bracelet which also has a broken necklace she had included in it too.
It’s a great way of keeping stuff that I love and still keeping the memories attached to the,.
I’m off into town this morning and I’m taking my camera out for the first time since before Christmas as it’s a bright morning and it’s about time.
My eldest is having to self isolate for a week this morning because he’s showing some symptoms as they’re a medical worker in the NHS so not taking any chances, although they don’t believe they’re infected. Also popping in to see my youngest who had a bit of a dip yesterday so I’m hoping he’s ok too.
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