Sammy Needs a Trim

A dull morning turned into a sunny day.  Light winds most of the day, and gales picked up this evening.  With the gales came rain and some snow.

I've been working on the museum desk again.  A very quiet morning, and another school visit cancelled but had an event in for lunch.  I also had to work late for a talk, but a poor turnout, possibly due to fear.  A quick shop after work, and now feet up by the fire.  The Coronavirus tripled today, now there is six positive cases in Shetland.  Think it's going to get worse before it's better.

Sammy is need of a trim, his winter coat is getting a bit scruffy now.  I was planning to sort it earlier this week, but glad I didn't with this windy cold spell.  Think I'll just have to leave it for another month.  Taken at lunchtime in the garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.

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