A New Lens & Wide Wednesday Results

I've been looking for a 50mm lens for my Canon film camera and came across this one on eBay earlier in the week.  Looks and sounds ok, so I'll leave it on the body for the film I have running at the moment.

Thanks to everyone for your comments and visits to my blip yesterday and the appreciation for Gill's art sketching - coming to a blip meet near you soon :-)

In the extra, I have volunteered to help with an art project at the local church around the stations of the cross - thought an image of Pilate washing his hands might resonate with the current news - first attempts in the extra.  (yes - they do bear a significant resemblance to Sheol's blip of a few days back!) No idea how a commited agnostic became involved, but they are good people and I share 90% of their values

Wide Wednesday Results.  Several great entries this week and as you might guess the favourite activity was wandering about purposefully walking with a camera :-)

As ever - just my opinion!

Favourites to:

Graham Colling Ashness Landing
KeenKen             Exploring – a wide expanse of blue sky
BobsBlips           Post industrial aerial monochrome
Annie& Chris     Wintery Landscape
Jensphotos        Sydney at Night
Honourable Mentions to:
Angel’s Share    Coastal Horses
Stella2                 The Coast at Budleigh
Rock Area           Lympstone Shore & Clock Tower
Freyjad               A Yorkshire Landscape – almost Spring!
DavidC                Travelling home

Special Mention to:
AH14 for three great takes on the same subject.

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