Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Chimney Stack No 11

There are very often trials attached to my life and in order to fulfil todays Blip I had to face my fear and dread of dogs.
Two of them actually, who came bounding and leaping upon me when I stopped the car and got out to take photos for this 'next in the series' chimney.
I shook in my shoes, held my camera high and shot a few snaps in a distracted way and as no dogs master or mistress commanded these olfactory beasts to heel I sidled back in to the safety of the car.
I know. It's irrational. But it's real.

Atop Traprain (because this chimney, once again, sits in buildings along the road at the back of it) I spied the 13 wild horses and took a distant shot of them.

I wonder if this chimney is one of Red's requests?

Although it's hard to tell, this is actually a four-sided chimney and I have another one of these up my sleeve, well, not physically of course.

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