South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Fruity Face

Went to the physio today - saw a lady who was very helpful and has given me loads of exercises to do. I was very relieved that she doesn't think it's a back problem or sciatica as such, but that the sciatic nerve is irritated due to muscle swelling at the top of the leg.

My husband and I went shopping afterwards and bought lots of fruit, so I thought I would use some of it in a blip! I recently bought a new rotating tray thingy for the centre of the table to put sauces, condiments etc on so that we can reach things without having to ask each other to pass them. It struck me that the handles at the sides look like ears - hence the blip!

I had intended to go down to the beach this afternoon to take some photos as sunshine was promised, but it's really grey and miserable outside. Sunshine is almost non-existent on the south coast at present, but we're fortunate that all the snow has cleared. We had a sprinkling overnight, but it melted.

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