Creature of habit...

This morning we had the cheery bus driver... bless, he asked me if I'd missed him yesterday. How nice must it be to go to work and love it? He whistles and plays name that tune as we get off... the one on Tuesday was way before my time!!

However, when I got on the bus today it was super busy and there were no seats on my side. I call it 'my side' because I always sit on the same side. Pavement side. This morning I had to sit on the other side. I'm pretty sure normal people wouldn't give this a second thought but I'm also pretty sure that we've established how normal I am. It made me feel weird inside. Sitting on the wrong side of the bus is just odd. So I took a photo and thought I'd share my oddness. When the bus started to empty, I decided that I wasn't going to move. Go me!!

There are many quirky, odd things that I do but I think perhaps I'll stop there. My CDO is perhaps not confirmed but there's definitely something to it. Surely it's not normal to have weirdness that you feel inside simply because you're sitting on the wrong side of the bus? Actually don't answer that!

*checks into the Andrew Duncan clinic*

83 sleeps!

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