Emerald steps

I don't know the name of this road. It runs south-east between Goodmickle Lane and Hophouse Lane, and just past Tosca Cottage you will find these steps at the side of the road. 

I don't know how many times I've run along here over the years but I don't remember seeing them before. But then, I spend so much time in my head - an archetypal daydreamer - that I might see things but not observe them (a distinction that comes from Sherlock Holmes, I think).

I was out around midday, today, doing a longish run. The forecast was for some light rain, which turned out to be correct, but the sun was always threatening to break through, resulting in this odd, magical light. (There's no filter on the photo.) 

In a whimsical frame of mind, one might imagine these as fairy steps or similar, that only appear at certain times. Or, more prosaically, that I only notice at certain times. 

-10.2 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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