Can you see me?

This morning Ann made me get up at 7am (I don't normally get my first thing in the morning walk until about 8am-ish) because the sun was shining and our weather app was showing rain for most of the day. She said, 'Trixie, I'm going to take you for some run about time now because if it rains all day you'll just be having short on your lead walks in between the showers.'

We were out for about 45 mins and just got home before the heavens opened and the rain started pouring down.

But do you know what happened this afternoon?....................... Nothing?! It didn't rain. Our weather app lied again! So after I'd done quite a lot of waiting in the car, (while Ann did various things) I went to Figgate Park for my walk. I did lots of running around with my squeaky ball and lots of chasing squirrels does anyone else wonder why squirrels never seem to hibernate these days? And lots of chasing with other dogs and lots of chewing of sticks and lots of paddling in the burn.

Eventually I got so tired I just had to flop down in the wild garlic for a rest.

…...............And now I'm in my bed having a pre-dinner snooze.

Oh and if anyone is interested............... Ann has had her OAP bus pass for a year now. Edinburgh must have one of the best bus services in the country. ….......Unlike Cornwall (where I think you have to be 67 years old & the bus service is rubbish anyway), she got it when she became 60 last year. And gorgeous little collies, like me, travel for free. I've never been on a bus in Cornwall but when Ann was walking the SWCP with MollyCollie she went on a quite few buses and there was a 40p charge for a dog. Ann's just worked out that her OAP bus pass has saved her £710 in bus fares. How amazing is that??? And that's just in Edinburgh. She can use her bus pass to go all over Scotland!!! #advantagesofbeingold

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