Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Flowers from my walk

I just love early March where I live. Flowers are popping up every day. Some are in the yard, in pots or wildflowers along the road. Happy to see some blooms on my potted lemon tree. We need to cut the grass/weeds but there are tiny purple flowers throughout the yard plus the dandelions.

I spotted some Elliots blueberry growing in the ditch along the road. Hope it gets some berries for the birds.

Speaking of birds, I have seen the brown thrashers coming out of the nest that is in the red tip bush. Maybe they are getting that nest ready.

My redbud tree is causing me some concern. It appears some of the limbs are not getting any buds but I am hoping they will still bloom. I hate to think of losing the tree as my younger son planted it over 25 years ago.

I hear the lawn mower! I guess the man decided he should do his part of the yard work.

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