Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

St. Patrick's Day

This book was given to me this afternoon at a retirement workshop at the campus. I don't think I'll retire for another 11 years, but it was a very interesting and confirming meeting and I had expected it to be rather boring. So it made my St. Patrick's Day -- the 17th -- A Very Good Day!

I'm in my 18th year of teaching and I've never regretted that I chose this career. I've regretted that I didn't go to college when I was young and start teaching a lot earlier, but I'm not in a hurry to retire because I love what I do. How to retire, when to retire, and can I afford to retire have all been scary questions.

However, today this workshop leader took us into the financial heart of darkness and shined some light. I came away feeling like retirement is probably going to be okay and getting there might not be the puzzle that I have avoided. I know Mr. Fun and I got a backwards start getting married so young, not going to college until we were in our 30s, and not getting into careers until we were even older than that. Today, however, just felt confirming, like maybe we've done something right after all.

So this book, Teach and Retire Rich, appears to be a valuable tool and has some interesting quotes. Because I majored in English and teach composition, I like this one,

"When money talks, no one notices what grammar it uses." ~~Anonymous

The quote I like best is,

"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart." ~~Jonathan Swift

The 17th is always A Very Good Day -- today was no exception. Good night everyone. I hope you've had a great St. Patrick's Day and that the remainder of you week will be wonderful.

Rosie, aka Carol

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