LENT 2020 DAY 14

’But godliness with contentment is great gain.’ (1 Timothy 6:6)

Gideon Heugh writes:

“One of my least favourite sayings is 'live your best life'. It's yet another way that our culture implies that what we have isn't enough – that we should be doing more, working more, buying more, travelling more, being more. If you want to end up with a hyper-anxious society, that's a good way to go.

It's okay to have an ordinary day doing ordinary things. It’s okay to have an off-day. It's okay – essential, even – to rest and be unproductive.

Our society's obsession with outward success, with constantly striving for more, is bad for the soul. Part of being healthy is accepting ourselves, and others, where we’re at. After all, God made you to be distinctly you.

If you want something to strive for, make it kindness and a desire to see God’s justice enacted in the world. But even in that, remember that growth is a journey – one that takes a lifetime. Trees aren't in a hurry to grow. And they don't waste energy trying to be something they're not. Try to push one over.”

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