Tulips from .....

..... my eldest lovely- -
daughter, we spoke on the phone this morning and if she had time she would pop in for a cuppa. I needed to do a few errands , and was very delayed by parking problems and delays in the bank ( how they think no counter service can speed things up I just can't imagine !!). When I turned into my road K was just pulling away apparently she had been waiting an hour or so, but had managed a bit of shopping and a dog walk. So pleased she made use of the time otherwise I would have felt very guilty.
These lovely tulips was a gift from K too , so lovely and being in bud will last for a while.
It wasn't as cold ( until about 3pm) today but definitely need some heat now.
Do hope the day has proved good for all .

Grateful ..... for a chat and techno work from my daughter. Thank you so much for the flowers and my gifts from Bali.

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