The Pink Pussycats

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro sent me this picture of the boys, illuminated by the sunrise. It kind of looks like they are at a nightclub.

I wasn't really been looking forward to work last week. The project is coming to a climax and I always hate that. Yet, as it turns out, it hasn't been so bad after all.

Tanvi and I have been working pretty well together. So when I came in from the supermarket with a bag of groceries, she was feeling friendly enough to ask me what I'd been buying. 

Smock pounced.


Tanvi was a bit taken aback. As was I. 

Who IS this person? Surely not the same effing person who asks me EVERY SINGLE EFFING DAY, "Been shopping 'ave yer?" 

Or if I HAVEN'T been shopping then, "No shopping today then??"

Later, Tanvi asked me if she had somehow offended me by asking about my shopping. 

I explained that, no, she had not. And that Smock may have picked up on my irritation about being asked ABOUT MY EFFING SHOPPING ALL THE EFFING TIME and misconstrued it as my being sensitive about the subject.

"The thing you need to understand about Smock is this," I told Tanvi. "She thinks constantly asking the same question DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY, every single EFFING day is the same thing as conversation."

I also explained to Tanvi how I could not eat ANYTHING at my desk without close inspection from Smock. "It drives me effing MENTAL," I complained. 

"And it's not just that she bends over and PEERS into the bag," I added. "It's also the fact that she then feels the need to tell me what I'm eating is somehow repulsive and she would never eat it. She is a FOOD-RUINER"

But Tanvi did not heed my warnings. She came in later that same day with a caramel slice. 

"OOOOH! What's she got?! What's that? Is it a cake? Ah'm just bein' noseh. Oh, it's just a caramel slice. No, no, I don't like those. Far too sweet. I don't know how you can eat summat like that."

Tanvi and I exchanged meaningful glances. But Smock was too busy disapproving of caramel slices to notice.


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