Cat face to the rescue

I had work today and have been really busy over the last 3 days so not a lot of time to find a decent blip, hence the Sidney shot.

After I'd blipped yesterday I found out Charlotte had been rushed in to North Middlesex A and E with anaphylaxis, (Friday). She'd eaten a piece of lime and coconut cheesecake from work but wasn't aware that what she thought was desiccated coconut was actually cashew nuts.
Anyway, 1 epipen, IV steroids, fluids and anithistamine later she settled down. They kept her for a few hours just to make sure she was ok. Her skin was covered in hives and they had difficulty cannulating, leading her to pass out and be taken into resus. She said it was scary at the time but the staff were excellent. Home she went with a few days worth of steroids, had a good nights sleep and I'm pleased to say is back at work today.

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