Ooops, fork without a handle

A small team of happy workers in the community orchard this morning, above B looked around in amazement when the handle and fork prongs parted company.

Four tea plants now in place,
C showing me the nifty belt for holding a gardening tool,
Earlier john counted about a hundred frogs in the pond,
and a happy looking trio after a few days of concern; two little black boys have not felt well this week, the vet decided it was a virus going through the pusscat family with only little girl avoiding it, so far. The grey and white pusscat and tabby had an issue for 36 hours, not eating, sleeping a lot and only going out when nature called.

One little black boy was very poorly for 3 days bless him, it was wonderful to hear him leap onto the bed to wake us up this morning, food please. Jack his brother was also notveating and way too quiet, they are not quite back to normal but on the way. Fingers crossed we all get back to normal this week. I am always impressed with the veterinary service we have on Mull, recent days have yet again confirmed this.

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