Uncle Steven Pops By

A horrible day, windy and rainy all day.  

A lazy morning around the house, Sammy didn't even want to go out.  Mam and Elise popped by for a cuppa before lunch.  I headed down to Jonny and Ruth's in the afternoon.  Sammy was desperate to get out this evening, and we managed a 20 minute walk, while the rain had eased for a bit.  Maybe get more walkies later.  Currently watching The Trails of Gabriel Fernandez, heartbroken and angry at this.  

I had a great afternoon with sister in law Ruth, and niece Michaela, the rest of the gang were out at football and swimming.  A good catch up, as bad uncle Steven hadn't been down in ages!  The gang came back just before teatime.  Me and Michaela at the back, with Lena, Isaiah and Alex sitting.  Taken at their home, Bigton.  

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