'Go around and collect the parcel Brian!' she had said,

'But you don't know what she's like, our loveable next door neighbour!!'
I tried to reason back,

'Yes I do!' she smiled, 

I replied 'But the last time I went she kept me talking for nearly 2 hours on the benefit of keeping moss on a tree!!!'

'She obviously likes you!' she smiled, 

'But nearly 2 hours!!! How on earth is possible to talk about moss on a tree for nearly 2 hours!!!'

'Just smile and go. She doesn't like me, but likes you!'

And a wing push out of the door, Brian reluctantly found himself bracing himself for what was to come.... 

'Knock, Knock'

A big thankyou to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday :-)

It was a VERY big surprise to see the Woodpecker again. You don't see one for an absolute age - to get a  photo anyway, then in a matter of days, you get two shots of one :-) 

It obviously wanted to appear on the Silly Saturday blip! :-)

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