POG's Journal


This idea did not work…

Hi Everyone,

I got up about 5:30 and got busy this morning… All my stuff to unpack from my week away and then a few loads for the washing machine.

As I’m off next weekend doing another coaching course, I spent a few hours getting task one complete, it is an online thing where you have to read a lot of info and then do a test. As mountain biking is the thing I’m least familiar with it took a little while. Anyway, I managed to get enough answers to pass.

I then had to select and prepare a session for next Saturday, I found one that is very similar to a track cycling skill so that should be okay… I scratched out a bit of a plan which I will complete tomorrow or Monday.

I then booked somewhere to stay next weekend.

Then I turned back to the L3-Road work and started to get organized for the work I have to do over the next 8 to 12 weeks…
In a strange way the pressure of the last week or so has been nice and reminds me of my life when I worked. I have been thinking about coming out of retirement. I expect it will pass… who knows.
The photo was an item I was going to put in the hobby box as it supposed to be okay to hand wash clothes with, which I thought could be useful in and emergency… However, it pongs quite a lot and if I wash my clothes in it, I feel sure I would have packs of wild dogs following me around. I guess I should suck it and see (no not literally, just wash something with it).
More tomorrow.


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