Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Cat Stealing

Accusations, recriminations, and name calling have been the order of the day here! Cats have been tempted to bedrooms and other people have been cruelly abandoned without so much as a backwards glance!

Reuben Davinci, pictured here, with DS2, has taken to sleeping with DD which has meant ds2 has been all alone with no Sleeping Cat Companion.

Last night as I went to bed, Oscar who was asleep on my bed was enticed into DS2's room to keep him company leaving me ALL ALONE faced with the prospect of sharing with Mr C&D

oh the horror!

I called Oscar back, and he came then ds2 called him back, and he went. In the end I thought I'd have to pull rank and shut the wretched child's door, but Oscar came back and cosied under my knees. That cat knows who is in charge of the cat food budget.

And between us we woke dd, and Reuben who then got back into bed with Ds2...and All's Well With The World.

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