The never-ending book

God, I have been stuck reading Mark Brend's book since the 20th of January. I pick it up once every few days, read a handful of pages, and put it down again. It's the kind of book that I fear I might write if I were ever commissioned to deliver a book on the history of electronic music.

I might fear that I would but I wouldn't: I would write a book of stories about the music and anecdotes about the people that made it. 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' is a very dull history book. Which is such a shame when it's a topic that I am so interested in. I'm determined to finish it but it's just a chore. 

On the other hand, this book arrived today from the Guardian Bookshop*. I couldn't resist having a quick dip and it looks like it's going to be an excellent read. If I ever finish Brend's book, that is :-(

*the restricted use of Amazon is going pretty well. 

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Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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