I made it to Friday
No blips this week because no pics, nothing worth blipping - except sunrises and flooded rivers, but no time to photo those as was repeatedly racing to not be late...
So, the file swap was even worse than I feared - I got 4 orders from those I was given to call, whereas others have got 25 orders and counting from my file... I did manage to get an appointment on Thursdsy night with a customer I met at the Yorkshire Show who hasn't bought for 4 years, and whose last two orders werre both over £3000... has never agreed to a home visit with anyone ever before (only bought at shows), so very exciting... So I got in to his house, met his (lovely) wife, opened my cases and he said "I want to taste Ponticello" (his favourite rosé, which I left him a bottle of a few weeks ago...). When I told him we didn't have any samples as it had only arrived in the UK this week (truth), he said "no point then, off you go"!! So my hope of rescuing the week was dashed... He did at least agree to a tasting in 2 weeks when he's back from The Cheltenham Festival, so it might happen yet...
I did at least do two sales at WTEs in Sheffield tonight, home 1am.
But even so, that's been my toughest week for a long while in terms of my job :/ - coinciding with Liverpool losing 3 out of the last 4 games...
I am very aware that I have PLENTY to be grateful for, even compared to my own life 2-3 years ago, let alone the many millions / billions of people with PROPERLY tough lives, but reality is I have felt quite miserable most of this week. At least the visits begin soon...
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