What a day!!!
Out in the morning to the First Wednesday Networking at the Village hotel.
It was not as busy as last month but I met a few good people and made new connections.
Then I was driving to Troon to meet Willie at the Marina.
The weather was lovely and the views were great from the restaurant.
Thad a good chat with Willie too!
I had a short walk behind the Marina then jumped in the car again to visit Dougie in Kilmarnock on the way home.
I finally could admire his house and garden and got on the road after 7 pm only.
Just when I hit the M8 cars were breaking and coming to a halt.
The car in front of me stopped at the hard should and the girl got out - there was a body lying on the tarmac!
I drove in the gap to block the road so that no car could harm her and got out to support!
The car next to me was smashed and wind and rear screen were blown out.
Apparently someone had tried to cross the M8 and was hit by the car next to me!!
The driver was under shock and I tried to calm him down.
At the same time a medic stopped at the other side (westbound) and climbed over with a defibrillator and was attending to the heavily injured guy on the ground!
I was asked to block the road and calm the driver down.
The girl was helping the medic!
Police and more medics arrived, the M8 got closed and I was in my car watching how 6 or 8 people were trying to save the man’s life.
No-one actually cared about the poor driver who was not well.
I sat there for a while then got taken into a police car to give my statement.
In the meantime the forensic guys were arriving and closed all off for their work.
The guy was dead!
I was told that my car would need to stay there until all is done.
I got a lift home by the police.
Now it is after midnight and I just got a call from the police.
M8 is still closed but they will bring me my car.
I need to get up at 6 am …. Better go to sleep!
The car was delivered just before 2 am .....
Blipping Troon#s view on the snowy hills of the Isle of Arran
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