Awaiting the Bluebells.

I didn't sleep too well after my fall yesterday. I felt like I had a paving slab resting on the top of my head and my upper back and neck was very sore.

But I managed to get Bella out in the sunshine and she posed beautifully in the spot we are eagerly awaiting a display of Bluebells. I literally can't wait to see them.

I then had to leave Bella for 4 hours while I went to work. Mr W was out for the day and he didn't give me enough warning for doggy day care.

She was great though and so excited to see me when I finally got home.

We all then popped to the shops for Birthday Party supplies and more wool (I'm a wool addict!) and Mr W walked Bella around the car park while they waited for me.

Home now and I just need to get packed and ready for a very weekend ahead. xXx

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