
By MumOf4Wildlings

One on one

This wildling is such a joy to be around. We spent time together while the jedi slept. She's so headstrong, independent, and fiesty. She also has the worst temper in her than all the Wildlings put together.

The boy's had half days at school and nursery. X really didn't want to go to school this morning. It took over 2hours to get him ready. In the end I kind of had to sit on him . He took his ear defender's to wear. Something has definitely thrown him.

This afternoon I had a great catch with a couple of my mummy friends while the children played at the soft play.

My twin sister saw my dad today and sent me a photograph. I'm glad she did. It's prepared me for tomorrow. He doesn't really look like him. But she said she managed to have a good conversation with him.
He was married before he met my mum and I have a half brother and sister. I've met my brother before. He is coming over from Ireland on Sunday to see him, and his sister is visiting tomorrow too. Maybe I will get the chance to meet her for the first time.

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