
By AngelaA


Blippin' from A&E. Somehow, I have managed to end up here even though, I negotiated various viciously icy pavements to and from work.
Instead, my injury is kitchen related. It appears my knife skills are rubbish. We waited at home for two hours but as the blood just didn't stop we thought it was probably best to get it checked out.

We are now in Lewisham A&E, waiting for one and a half hours to be seen. My thumb is still pouring away so I guess it was the right decision.

P.S. Lewisham A&E is facing closure and had anything truly awful happened we would of have to have gone to Queen Elizabeth's in Greenwich. It's much further away and in icy conditions like tonight we were very grateful for a local A&E

P.P.S I heart the NHS.

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