Bob the builder
We had Bob the Builder and Fireman Sam for World Book Day today. I've kind of avoided it up until now, but can no longer hide under the nieve youth of very small children. They both loved getting dressed up, and compared to the lengths other children (and adults!) had gone to they were pretty pedestrian.
Had a lovely call from the eldest's teacher today. She called me to say how well he has settled in, how eager he is to learn and how well he is learning. In a week and a half he's gone from barely being able to write his name - and refusing to do so because he couldn't, to writing his name and asking to write, and also from pretty much being able to count to 10, to getting up to 20 pretty confidently. I'm very proud of him, and also really pleased with his school and just how well he has adapted and learnt so much in such a short space of time.
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