Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Dont cheat, is the moral of this story!

Ive had an extremely boring day today. After visiting the osteopath yesterday i feel ive been beaten up and the backs still no better!
so even though ive been trying to rest it, (as im not a 'resty' person,) i know havent been resting properly so today a decided to REST

This meant a day watching tv and dvds,

During this i kept thinking about todays blip and how i couldnt do anything exciting or meaningful today.

So being a newcomer to blip, i looked back at some of the photos on my ipad and found one of my sons fingers after some major guitar sessions they were blistered! Remembering what happened and what was thought and said i decided this would be better than nothing.....

But Oh no blip knew! Backdated blip! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh i couldnt do that!

How guilty did i feel and by the time i found out to delete it! My friend had already commented arghhhhhhhh what was i going to do.........................?

So ive done what i always say is the best and come clean ( sorry M )

So my blip today is what my eyes have been looking at all day the blooming tele!
And sprout waiting patiently for K to come come to go for a walk
Nothing exciting or meaningful ( although it will be now) just the blooming tele!

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