Wild Wednesday ...
.... plus Gigi!
I had a frustrating morning as I spent about an hour at Kohl's selecting several items to purchase only to leave the store empty handed and a little bit miffed! You see .... I had a 25% off coupon that I got when I brought an Amazon return to Kohl's over the weekend. I had planned on using said coupon on my purchases but I had cut the coupon down as is was quite long .... inadvertently cutting off the bar code that they needed. The bar code was at the bottom of the printout and I thought it was regarding my Amazon return! I take partial blame for this but since there are several dotted lines on the coupon separating the spaces I didn't realize that Kohl's needed the bar code. No where on the coupon did it say that the whole long printout was necessary.
But .... I was able to get several of my collage pictures while out. The lovely young lady is Gigi whom I asked to take her picture for the blip community workplace challenge. Thank you so much, Gigi! Little did I know that the challenge actually ended at the end of February! Why am I always a day late and a dollar short? Sigh ....
When I returned home I sat in the backyard for a little while. It wasn't as warm as it's been so I wasn't out there long. But long enough to get more wildlife shots of a dark-eyed junco (upper left) and an Eastern gray squirrel (lower right). The ring-billed gull photos were taken in the Kohl's parking lot! And Cheddar was sleeping on my lap so cutely that I had to include him in the mix!
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