
By Houseonahill6

Between the tulips

Sunshine again and the barometer has started to move,I thought it might stuck in a Stormy/ low pressure position.
I was busy photographing the robin that was singing beautifully when something caught my eye, it was this male blackcap that dropped in for a very quick visit. Taken through glass and through a gap in the tulips :)
I needed some seeds for Brownies so went to the Garden Centre.We had lunch when we were there, soup and a huge cheese scone.I also bought a new feeder that looks like a bullrush and a double snowdrop as well as the beans, peas and compost for Brownies.
Mike had the Cinema this afternoon which started at 3pm , closed caption version of Emma, so he had to leave at 1.30pm so I walked down the hill. Mike dropped the things off on his way to Cromarty.
Busy again at Brownies.Some of the girls dressed up for World Book day with a garden theme.Some fantastic costumes including a caterpillar (using a green sleeping bag ) and a pink flamingo like ‘ the plastic ones you get in a garden ‘.
We made Jack and the Bean stalk pots for our beans, talked about the Princess and the Pea when planting our early peas and planted the seeded paper we got from The Secret Garden a few weeks ago.
We also played a Mirror Me game.Gwyn plays the same game at Rugby so explained it to the girls, they were really good at it.
Mike was back in time to collect me afterwards.They had a full house and had to turn a few people away.

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