Should he stay or should he go....

Sam left for a Psychology course college trip to Poland very early this morning.  We both woke up at 3am as planned and I even managed to come back from dropping him off at Long Road and go back to bed for a couple of hours. He's going to visit Auschwitz & Birkenau which will no doubt be quite emotional.   I've just started our book group book called 'Man's search for Meaning' by Viktor E Frankl, a holocaust survivor so I am with him in spirit.

In more difficult news Ben heard today from the South Korean University that his classes for the next semester (due to start on March 16th) will be all done on-line and by video for the next 2 weeks.  No face-to-face classes, which will be reviewed in due course.  He was supposed to move into his student accommodation next Thursday and be out there for three months.  

Several of his friends are out there already and reporting that things are pretty normal, apart form everyone wearing face masks.  He'd really like to be there, making the most of the opportunity, but the sand is shifting and it's not turning out to be the experience he'd hoped for.

My fears are not so much about him catching the virus, as he's young and fit, but about restrictions to probable gatherings, socialising, travel and quarantine meaning the 'year abroad' opportunity he hoped for may just have become so unobtainable that it is not worth pursuing at this time.

What would you do if you were Ben?

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