
By bananablip

Love where you live

I love this little town of ours (even if it does need escaping every now and again).

There’s been so much good stuff coming to Shrozzle of late: Jess Fostekew and The Yorkshire Shepherdess last month, Josie Long next week, Adam Kay in June. All this plus some pretty interesting talks coming up at the University. Lots to keep us entertained and stretch our minds.

I got a message at lunch from Grace who was in town (she’s not allowed in to work because she visited Malaysia a week or so ago, massive eye roll). She was in the House of Yum and did I want to join her? My alternative was some carrot sticks and hummus so the decision wasn’t hard. I had the monkfish panang (with monkfish from the fishmongers next door) and it was incredible (and incredibly cheap). Best thing I’ve tasted in a very long time.

Despite the cold and the damp, I resisted the temptation to drive home this evening and walked instead. Nice to see the Quarry begin to emerge from the waters once again!

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