You lose some, you win some. We have lost three big trees off our boundary recently, two as a result of storm damage and one was diseased. It is not good losing trees. To keep the balance, this self sown blossom tree appeared from nowhere and treats us with its little white flowers every year. I’m not sure what it is, maybe a wild cherry. Whatever it is called, it is very welcome.
This afternoon we visited an exhibition in our village hall which outlined the local neighbourhood plan, particularly in relation to housing. Most of the government’s required increase in housing is scheduled to be in our part of the district, with 200 new houses on open fields within half a mile of our home. Already our schools, surgeries and traffic densities are cause for concern and we feel very threatened by these plans. But the government says we must have this much more housing in our already overcrowded corner of the land. What is to be done?
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