Return to the North

By Viking


Every time I’ve gotten out of the car over the last ew weeks I’ve been eyeing my tyres and knowing that I really need to get them replaced. My conscience wouldn’t let me go any longer on the old ones so I took the car in to my usual tyre place. The guy said I only needed front ones which was a relief for the bank balance!
He started the process but half way through he was called over to a chap in a VW Polo. They were having trouble getting the lock nut off as was buggered. My guy explained that he could probably get it off but would knacker the nut completely. He got the go ahead to try and put cane the hammer. 10 seconds later there was a loud if restrained yelp, the guy got up went into the back and an even louder **** word and a couple of minutes later he was walking out with his hand in the air, wrapped in gauze and heading to the hospital. He had taken the end of his finger off!!!
Meanwhile another lovely chap finished fitting my tyres! Realising in the wait that I probably wouldn’t get much chance for another shot today, I took a picture of the brakes as liked the different colours/shades of rust! I have used HDR on this to heighten the colours.
Right off for some marking (mocks) see you on the other side !! :-)

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