A funny old day
My old Pieroth manager is now "The Hempman", selling various products including this, which he sent me and some other colleagues - its arrival coincides with a dreaded 'phone week', when generally I feel stressed, get less exercise, eat badly, drink too much and have disturbed sleep - so I'm trialling it to see if it helps. Trouble is, how can I measure the effect? - who knows if I'd have been worse without the oil??? So far, badly broken nights - 3 hours' sleep last night... so I emailed manager at 6am saying I was taking a 'Nytol' and setting my alarm for 11am, meaning I'd be late in (obviously didn't text or call at that time in the morning). When I woke at 11 I found he had replied saying that was unacceptable and that I wasn't to bother coming in at all if I couldn't be on time... So instead of missing an hour on the phone, I missed all day. And I feel angry, unappreciated and misjudged (bear in mind he knows I worked Saturday and Sunday). Great management :/
Couldn't even ring from home as all my customer cards were at work and obviously I'm not ringing my own customers this week... Three customers called me to tell me people had rung them and they'd told them there's no way they'd buy from anyone else... I tried to give the company line that it was just a management strategy, and was proving very successful, but they were incredulous... The Liverpool fan parrot owner even told me to move to another company and he'd buy from me there instead (how sweet of him!). Another one, somewhat inebriated, was, er, quite forthright, telling me not to take it the wrong way, but wanted to tell me how much she loves me! But my customers' loyalty has not gone down well of course... I was required to phone two others to tell them I was in the flooded warehouse in Cardiff and it was OK to put their order in with my colleagues... only I couldn't bring myself to tell them a bare-faced lie, so not sure what's going to happen there... Probably more trouble... So as well as watching the charming, funny and relaxing Doc Martin, I did some browsing of wine jobs... applied for one already, to a company whose clearly stated ethos uses words like integrity and authenticity, and claims to put customer happiness above profit... what a dream that would be! I know I don't need to say this, but I only share things like this on here because my account is private, not for general public consumption - if somehow my company saw it, I'd be even more for the high jump - but I share because it's very therapeutic doing so...
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