The Buckstane

A friend recently told me about this. I’ve passed it countless times, recessed in what looks like an entrance to someone’s drive. But never stopped to read the plaque.

The stone dates from a Feudal times. The name derives from where the buck hounds were unleashed when the King of Scotland was hunting deer in the area.

The area in south Edinburgh is known as Buckstane. Now I know why. Just to the south is Caiystane. But that’s another story and potential blip.

My daily camera has gone in to get the light meter checked so today I am using the spare one. Just realised I set the date incorrectly so hope this blip gets posted!

Following yesterday’s blip an Irish cousin has informed me that the Peacock and some other butterflies are known to emerge in winter and do not fully hibernate. So something new learned. It’s wonderful what you can see when not staring at a computer screen in the office,

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