Tiny Textures

Costa Coffee have shop at Next near us. For some reason they put vouchers through the door for a free coffee and buy one get one free. Doreen has vouchers too so we procured hers and used them to have a free coffee each today.

Susan had a quick look around Next which is how I came to take a series of shots of tiny textures to create a collage of images for today’s challenge.

On the way home we have to cross a busy road which is always a challenge. After crossing to the central refuge island a kind lady slowed and gestures for us to cross. This upset the driver of a topper truck who was behind her and responded with a loud hoot on his horn accompanied by aggressive gesticulations. His mate a couple of vehicles back also had a go. I of course waved back in a friendly manner! Honestly, what is it with some drivers?

We had a very enjoyable evening out with my son and my favourite granddaughter, who turns 13, yes shock horror 13 later this month. First time we’ve seen her since last October, although we did make much of her chickening out of a cold walk along the seafront last November.

Thanks to jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesday TT249

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