Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Just Keep Swimming

I actually taught myself how to swim about 4 years ago when I decided I wanted to get fitter but the thought of going to the gym literally made my eyes full with tears. I went to a HIIT workout class once and I could taste blood for about 3 days, it was horrific.

Needless to say I’m actually the slowest swimmer ever. Even though up until the wise old age of 20 I couldn’t even do a doggy paddle properly, I can only just manage a half arsed breast stroke. I was never afraid of the water though, I loved splashing about and the smell of chlorine oh my days- it’s like a drug! I think it’s the weightlessness of swimming that really gets me. I spend all day on my feet whether it’s walking around, doing my food shopping, making tea, going to the shops, I’m always on my feet. So when I slip into that absolutely glorious warm water with little sounds of other people swimming and hearing the splashes or the mechanical sounds of the water going in the grates at the edge of the pool. I get in and I take that first leap so my whole body is in the water and just like that...wooooosh.... I’m off into the light feeling of swimming.

Like I said before I’m so slow sometimes I have to look around to make sure I’m actually moving. I have 7 year olds pass me by in the lanes, I have old people look at me like I’m holding everyone up. But I don’t care. I just carry on moving my arms and legs the best I can even if they don’t move like they are supposed to, I just enjoy seeing my spotty swimming costume hanging up on the clothes horse when I wash it knowing there will be a next time.

Like I said, I taught myself how to swim but I showed myself that I could learn.

Happy Blipping.

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