
By Grannymo

Fisherman's Cottage

Left our house in glorious sunshine and blue skies! Walked along the coast path to Old Hunstanton where this picture was taken. We then took the Coastliner bus to Titchwell and walked down to the RSPB Bird Reserve, and had good walk round the lake with plenty of sightings. Lunch at Titchwell. Then bus on to Wells where we walked down to he sea. It was getting colder and drizzled a bit. Lots more birds including a huge flock of Brent geese - more than 1000 and it sounded like thunder coming over... they must have flown a long way as they settled on the water. We had a break at the sea and when we turned back they had gone. It was now cold and raining so after more tea we took the bus back. Decided to stay in for cheese on toast for supper- an interesting day!

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