Out and about

Busy day today. Started with a meeting and then went over to East Grinstead. Regular readers might remember that I used to be based in an office in East Grinstead but the university shut it and I started my wilderness years. A year ago my boss retired and I started working full time for the university again but based at home rather than in Sussex. Today was the second annual "Sue's leaving do" get together. I blipped the first one last April and this year we had much the same group of people. I also had a few apologies from people who weren't able to make it. Although I work with these people we rarely meet face-to-face so it's smashing being able to catch up and chat about boilers and work and jewellery and bird watching and cars and car parks and all sorts of stuff. I understand that next year we're aiming for a more "active" encounter and going to Lingfield races.

Out of there I went down to the coast and came back that way. It's good to get some thinking time away from computer screens and phones. Tomorrow I'm out again, this time to do an appraisal so that'll be nice.

For those not familiar with it - this is the De La Warr pavilion at Bexhill. If it looks familiar it might be from TV as it pops up every now and again while David Suchet is being Poirot. I've also blipped it in the past but not as often as I really should.

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