Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Here's looking at you Billy

Everything a cat is and does physically is to me beautiful, lovely, stimulating, soothing, attractive and an enchantment.

Paul Gallico (from An Honourable Cat)

Afraid its another Billy blip! Taken close up on the windsill again :)

My beautiful boy decided he was going to stay outside when I went off to work yesterday afternoon, despite me spending ages minutes trying to tempt him in with titbits! At about 4.30pm at work I realised it was snowing heavily (and I don't have a catflap). Someone who came in said it was just a shower....but it was still snowing (blizzard like) when I left work at 6pm! It took ages to clear the car of snow, and then being me I wanted to drive slowly and carefully...

I had to pop into Sainsburys to pick up some bread and yoghurt, but afterwards I started driving home.

Apologies in advance for the rant below

There were some idiotic muppets people on the roads last night. I drive with plenty of space in front of me so that if I brake I don't slide into the rear of the vehicle in front..... but there were so many idiots who overtook (or undertook when I was in the right lane at a roundabout) went sharply in front of me and very close to the vehicle in front....its unbelievable how many times that happened (and very scary)!

Rant over

I was so glad to be home, but oh Mr Billy was so cross with me for leaving him out.... This morning I had a word with another neighbour that I can trust and she now has a key so if he's on the doorstep (and he'll let her) she will let him inside! How I wish I could afford a door with special catflap!

Last night I woke up coughing and feeling really sick and bleugh, but I wasn't ill in the end. This morning I have earache.....really hoping to have a better night tonight!

Trying to get a decent blip this morning, I somehow took some 500 shots, none of which were really brilliant....

The one I really wanted to use, was full of shadows due to camera shake (but would have been brilliant if it worked)....I will have to try again another day!

Downhill to the end of the week, I am looking forward to my day off on Friday :)

Have a great day and stay safe blippers :)

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