A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Morning Cloud

Not Ted Heath's yacht, but a container ship making its way down the Med towards the Pillars Of Hercules and out into the Atlantic.

I was exhausted yesterday! Tuesdays are always full on and this was no exception. Being a teacher can be likened to an actor on stage all day, trying to keep to a script, but often having to improvise and ad-lib.

It's when you stop that you realise how drained you are. After dinner, I struggled to stay awake and so had an early night.

Slept right through to the alarm too. And this is what I saw when I threw back the curtains and inspected the new day from my terrace.

Refreshed, I am back on my stage. Act 1 is over and there is a short intermission. Then into the next Acts with gusto and renewed vitality.

It's great and I love it!

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