
By Gladsouthsider

Submerged daffodils

This turned out to be a very busy personally productive day. It began with my first run quite early through Pollok Park as far as the overflowing Cathcart Water would allow. The few daffodils that have emerged in bloom where underwater except for the taller ones. First Sunday in Lent at St Margaret’s and a decent sermon from David Jasper on the positivity of Lent. Nicolas Taylor form st Aidens in Giffnock has been appointed the interim Rector, he subsequently led Evensong that evening and sounded very OE.
I spent post lunch afternoon mainly catching up with Better Call Saul, followed by said evensong or St David's Day and then a swim at DL, quite busy at 7.45 but much quitter alter 8 which is useful to note. 

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