Country File

By marypot

Back to school

After two Snow Days it was back to school for Grace and preschool for Ophelia. The pavements still haven't been cleared properly, so it was a bit of a hairy journey walking in the road most the way, especially with Arwen strapped onto my front.

For most the rest of the day it's just me and Arwen as Hubby is finally hoping to get out to the cinema for his postponed trip to see Django Unchained. He's clearing the car for the umpteenth time as I write this!

I might grab a nap later as I lost count of the amount of night wakings last night. It was about one an hour I think or 90 mins at least. Not sure of the exact cause - combination of Arwen having a growth spurt, teething troubles, a bad cough and just kicking the blankets off and getting cold I think. Poor little thing :(

At least I have blip to keep me company. Please do excuse me if I leave any bizarro comments or three in succession on your journals because I press done instead of a letter i or o. I can't edit comments from within the phone app and most of them are left at some bleary eyed time of night whilst I'm feeding the baby!
23/365 completed!

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