Lessons I Learned from Kroger

I'm grateful that I woke up with a roof over my head and clothes on my body. I'm grateful that I have the ability to make myself a warm breakfast. I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to attend the University of Michigan. I'm grateful that economics and business come somewhat natural to me. I'm grateful for a bike that's an excellent source of transportation. I'm grateful for the AATA bus system that allow me to get to Kroger in 5 minutes.

I'm grateful for the farmers who plant the seeds, raise the cattle, and harvest the grains. I'm grateful for the employees who offer their hands and hearts to make the store run. I'm grateful for technology that creates high-quantity food and artistry that creates high-quality food. I'm grateful that I have money to make purchases. I'm grateful for infrastructure that brings water and electricity to our apartment. I'm grateful that God sustains.

I'm not here to point out what's wrong in the world. There's plenty of that going on. I'm here to shine a little positive light.


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